On 20-22 September 2022,  Bridging Digital team met at Gdansk to discuss the progress of each partner organisation and plan the future activities together. The second transnational meeting was hosted by our oartner Instytut Kultury Miejskiej.
During our travel to Poland, the Bridging Digital team visited the PAN Biblioteka Gda?ska, where we saw Jan Heweliusz masterpieces and watched a presentation of the reconstruction of a telescope by Heweliusz in 3d printing technology, a project of Instytut Kultury Miejskiej together with Hackerspace Trójmiasto , CUMY and Hevelianum. This represents the essence of using digital skills in the creative sector to create innovative projects and practices.
While walking in the shipyard area of Gda?sk, we visited CUMY, an open-space workshop with the aim of bringing together the crafts community, enabling cooperation, education, and information exchange. The workshop is open for young, innovative and creative craftsmen, who very often are self-taught, looking for a place to work, collaborate and find new business opportunities using a combination of digital and traditional tools.
Exploring VR technology is an unexpected experience, and just amazing!
Iwona Preis, Liz Gardiner, Aleksandra Szyma?ska, Katerina Palaiologou and Xenia Koutentaki  experienced a virtual tour at Instytut Kultury Miejskiej during the meeting in Gdansk! We learn how to use VR to transform the competence to participants in our activities ( workshops, training ) in Stockholm , Gdansk, Paisley and Athens.
This is a very new and seemingly difficult technology to learn for artists and cultural workers who want to use it in productions, but our experience brings us to the conclusion that everybody can do it.
Intercult will offer VR for the performing arts, with upcoming training starting in October.


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