Intercult was founded in 1996 and has produced many cultural projects in various shapes and sizes. In 1998 Intercult contributed to the European Capital of Culture in Stockholm with the project Landscape X. In the project performers from the X-countries, or the formerly Yugoslavian countries, were presented to the Swedish public. During the years 2004-2010 Intercult lead a series of projects under the title SEAS. SEAS connected cultural operators in harbor cities around Europe. In 2008 Intercult established ERC, European Resource center for Culture and in 2009 Intercult started Europe Direct Intercult, a part of a network of Europe Direct Offices for information about the EU and Europe. Intercult is one of 17 Europe Direct Offices in Sweden. See a list of our previous projects here.

The ideas that motivate Intercult’s activity are that intercultural competence is essential in our continuously changing world, and that intercultural competence is gained and developed through co-operation, exchange of ideas and encounters between people across cultural and geographical borders.

Chris Torch
Iwona Preis
Ozan Sunar
Gabriel Flores
Eldina Efendic ?
Cajsa Lagerkvist
Anders Öhrn
Johan Wallin
Christoph Schmider
Yuliana Yankova
Linda Persson

Ida Burén
Rani Kasapi
Edward Buffalo Bromberg
Tomas Bokstad
Dragan Klaic ?
Goran Stefanovski
Mamadou Sene
Åsa Simma
Adam Jeanes
Jacek Dominiczak
Corina Oprea

Chrissie Faniadis
Vanessa Ware
Charly Wassberg Borbos
Agneta Hansson
Niklas Hellberg
Lars Jonasson Rinman
Jennie Hasselqvist
Anna Makul
Sara Mpumwire
Fredrik Arvas

Adam Stoffski
Adrian Evans
Agnieszka Wlazel
Alathea Evans
Alessandro Bollo
Al-Harah Theater
Amy Fee
Anders Ålander
Anders T Carlsson
Anita Theorell
Ann- Marie Myrstrand
Annika Levin
Annika Strömberg
Artemis Sofiou
Åsa Mårtensson
Banafshe Hejazi
Bella Ghajavand
Bella Lawson
Bengt Göransson
Bernd Herger
Birgitta Englin
Birgitta Persson
Björn Westeson
Calle Svensson
Claes Eriksson
Claes Hartellius
Claes Karlsson
Claes Nordling
Daniel Boyacioglu
Dieter Jaenicke
Elif Kurutas
Ellen Ruge
Emanuel Onchu

Emina Visninc
Emir Efendic
Etienne Glaser
Figen Solmaz
Fondazione Fitzgaraldo
Fredrik Lindegren
Haris Pasovic
Helena Thornqvist
Helena Wikström
Henrik Selin
Ida Hansson
Igor Cantillana
Ingrid Thornell
Ivan Gedin
Jack Lundh
Jakob Tamm
Jasmine Ålander
Joar Torch
Jonas Andersson Jordcirkus
Juan Rodriguez
Judith Black
Kajsa Isaksson
Kajsa Sandström
Karin Falk
Katarzyna Tubylewicz
Kateryna Radchenko
Katrin Brännström
Länsteatrarna i Sverige
Lara Roswall

Lars-Göran Karlsson
Leif Magnusson
Lena Timerdahl
Lidia Varbanova
Lisa Ladberg
Lillemor Lind
Lotta Tejle
Lovisa Helzén
Magdalena Z. Duda
Magnus Aspegren
Mångkulturellt Centrum
Marcus Schober
Maria Heiskanen
Maria Kron
Marika Lagercrantz
Marina Barham
Marta Moretti
Martine Meire
Mats Sylwan
Mia Törnqvist
Mikael Lundberg
Mireille Bergenström
Miroslaw Gorski
Monica Fundin Pourshahidi
Niels Righolt
Nikolaos Tsiamis
Nils Personne
Nina Lugn
Osiel Ibanez
PeO Sander
Per Eric Asplund
Peter Bergared
Petra Melin
Petter Helsing

Raymond Peroti Riksteatern River//Cities Platform Saadia Hussain

SmartBe & Julek Jurowicz
Södra teatern
Staffan Waldemar Holm
Stefan Böhm
Stefan Johansson
Stefan Ottosson
Sthlms Stadsbibliotek
Stockholms Läns Landsting
Stockholms Stad
Suzanne Osten
Svenska Institutet
Tatyana Spasova
Teshome Wondimu
Timon Torch
Trevo Davies
Ulrika Skoog Holmgaard
Vera Zherdev
Viveka Dahlén
Yvonne Rock
Tomas Strand

1993 SARAJEVO – tales of a city
Our first transnational co-production, framed by the siege of Sarajevo, written by Goran Stefanovski, with a multi-ethnic ensemble from ex-Yugoslavia, Belgium, Sweden and Spain. On Tour: Belgium, UK, Sweden, Denmark, Germany

1993 & 1994 Re:ORIENT Festival
The first two festivals were initiated by Intercult, supported by Riksteatern and SIDA. After that, Ozan Sunar and his colleagues developed and fine-tuned the concept, making it their own and one of Sweden’s most important intercultural units.

a multilingual co-production with Theatre of Nationalities/Skopje On Tour: Macedonia, Sweden, Germany

1996 Re:MAP EUROPE (co-produced with Copenhagen ’96)
a series of co-productions and guest performances on the theme of migration Denmark, Sweden

1997-1998 LANDSCAPE X (co-produced with Stockholm ‘98)
A three-part series of events and co-productions throughout the year, with EURALIEN at the former National Archives building, written by Groan Stefanovski, production design Sören Brunes.

a series of debates, discussions and co-productions concerning the Albanian diaspora. EU funded.

a major co-production involving artists from 13 countries. Text & Structure: Goran Stefanovski. Production Design Sören Brunes. Executive Producer Chris Torch. Co-production and On Tour: Bonner Bienallen, Avignon Festival, Wiener Festwochen, Bologna 2000, Intercult

2002 – 2006 SEAS: Baltikum/Adriatico & Second Wave (North and South)
A series of cultural actions and wandering festivals throughout Europe, from two seas and in 13 different harbour cities. EU funded x 2.

a children’s performance by Mamadou Sene (Senegal/Sweden), written by Mia Törnqvist, directed by Edward Buffalo Bromberg, based on Mamadou’s life story. Over 75 performances.

2006-2007 VIT SAND, VIT SNÖ
A mixed blood touring performance with Åsa Simma, Mamadou Sene and Nils Personne, for mixed audiences. Over 65 performances.

A co-production with Teater Tribunalen, written and directed by Mia Törnqvist, with an ensemble including among others Lotta Tejle and Jakob Tham. Performed only in Stockholm.

A series of lectures, workshops and performance with the high point The House of Bernarda Alba, by Garcia Lorca, driected by Roberto Ciulli (Theater an der Ruhr) with an ensemble of Iran’s finest actresses.

2004-2005 ALICE
A co-production with the Beograd theatre Atelier 212, written by Bilijana Srbljanovic, directed by Aleksandar Popovski. In Serbian, English and Swedish, with Etienne Glaser and Åsa Simma.

A festival and a competetition for new plays by new Swedes on migration themes.

The European Year of Intercultural Dialogue co-commissioned a major Flagship in each Member State. This was Sweden’s contribution, Intercult designed, partnering with Riksteatern, Riksutställningar and Re:Orient.

2009-2011 FAST FORWARD
A series of workshops, residencies and lectures in Sweden, Macedonia and Serbia. Video art, dance and performance across borders. Curator: Corina Oprea.

A co-production with the Swedish Royal Opera, written by poet Daniel Boyacioglu, commissioned by Intercult.

A co-production both for SEAS and as a touring production, written by Mia Törnqvist, conceived and directed by Dritero Kasapi, starring countertenor Nuri Harun Ates.

2007-2010 Black/North SEAS (including Istanbul 2010) and SEAS X
A continuation of SEAS I, turning the axis to explore the Black Sea and North Sea regions. 12 harbour cities, 13 commissions, 75 artists and technicians, including BADco (Croatia), Hotel Pro Forma (Denmark), SKART (Serbia) and SIGNA (Denmark).

2011-2012 CORNERS: Research & Development (with Umeå 2014)
The first phase in CORNERS long term development. Four Xpeditions (North. Caucasus, Balkans, East) and the first small steps to co-production.

Culture For Waterfronts inspired the use of culture in the development of urban waterfronts, by developing and sharing knowledge. It was a learning partnership to facilitate a cross-sectorial exchange on best practices and expertise. With RIVER//CITIES Platform.

2012 ACCESS EUROPA – ongoing
A network of swedish cultural institutions, organizations and public authorities who share information about pertnershipping, financing and connecting to the EU programs.

This Learning Partnership brought together 10 European organisations to share knowledge on practising culture in public places as a way of engaging audiences in new environments, specifically on urban waterfronts/ river banks across Europe. With R//C Platform.

2013-2015 PARC – Performing Arts Training Center
Intercult supported our Palestinan partner Al-Harah Theater and the PARC (Performing Arts Training Center) project – a professional school for performing arts on the West Bank, the first of its kind in Palestina.

2013-2018 CORNERS – turning Europe inside out
A platform for artists and audiences, designed and driven by cultural organisations at the edges of Europe. CORNERS creates opportunities for artists and researchers to produce multidisciplinary contemporary artistic work. Enabling exchange across geographical, political and economic divisions, at the edges of Europe.

IETM (1996-2013)
THEOREM (1996-2001)
Comedia Network (2002-2005)
Nordic Forum for Interculture (2007-10)
Platform for Intercultural Europe (2009-13)
European Museum Forum (2010-13)

Culture Action Europe (2005 – ongoing)
River//Cities (2005 – ongoing)
CORNERS of Europe (2011 – ongoing)
Riksteatern Stockholms län (2012 – ongoing
)Re|Publik (2016 – ongoing)