Sharing visions on the development of Young City (MLODE MIASTO) was the main topic of the second meeting within City Lab’s programme of Memory of Water project. It took place on 14 March 2019 in the Old Town Hall in Gdansk (the venue of the BSCC).
Our City Lab’s offer the space for public discussion on forms and directions for developing post-shipyard area in Gdansk, taking into consideration its cultural heritage value both tangible and intangible. This process, initiated by people connected to art, culture and science fits with trends, so popular in Europe nowadays: methods of culture-led regeneration.
At the last Urban Lab meeting, participants in the debate were representatives of the post-shipyard area property owners and developers, cultural heritage organisations and institutions, public cultural institutions and academia.
City Lab’s are the work-in -progress: we are documenting the discussions and summarising them. The blog (in Polish) which reflects this process will be launched in April.
Please find below the programme of the last meeting:
JAKIE M?ODE MIASTO? / WHAT YOUNG CITY? The session on sharing visions
Introduction to the project Memory of Water by:
- Magda Zakrzewska-Duda, The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre: The Project Overview
- Roman Sebastya?ski, University of the West of Scotland: Urban Labs
Agnieszka Wo?od?ko, independent artist and curator: Art residencies
- Krzysztof Sobolewski, Shipyard City: Shipyard City
- Dr Krzysztof Król, Ultra Relations: M?ode Miasto (Young City)
- Prof. Jacek Dominiczak, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk: Order in Space
- Prof. Grzegorz Klaman, Wyspa Art Institute: Art in transformations and the New Life of the Post-shipyard Area.
- Dr Waldemar Affelt, ICOMOS, Chief Conservation Comission, Comittee for the History of Science and Technology PAN: The Preserve the Memory of the Place
- Dr Marek Bara?ski, Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk: Social Spaces
- Dr Piotr Samól, Gdansk Technical University: The Heritage of Young City as a Factor in the Future Development of This Area
- Tomasz B?yskosz, National Institute for Heritage: We don’t Want an Outdoor Museum!
- Janusz Lipi?ski, former head of Synergia 99: Substitutional Memory in the Process of the Spacial Symbolization
- Anna Szynwelska, Centre for Contemporary Art ?a?nia: Art. In Public Spaces.
- Anna Maria Mydlarska, European Solidarity Centre: Story of Shipyard (films and documents by European Solidarity Centre)
- Piotr Wyszomirski, Pomys?odalnia and Pomoranian Council for Culture: Culture as an Engine for Development