Focus on Cultural Issues Ahead of the EU Elections
The upcoming EU election on June 9, 2024, is rapidly approaching. Building on the #CulturalDealEU initiative, Europe Direct Stockholm, in collaboration with Intercult, will host a seminar focusing on the role of culture in European cooperation. The seminar will take place alongside the celebration of Europe Day on May 7, 2024, at Kulturhuset in Stockholm. In light of the seminar, we will explore what the EU is currently doing for the culture and how culture is being discussed in relation [...]
Celebrate Europe Day with Europe Direct Stockholm and Intercult!
Join us at Kulturhuset and Upplev Europa on May 7th! Europe Direct Stockholm will participate in the celebration of Europe Day, happening this year at Kulturhuset and Upplev Europa in Stockholm. Due to the date coinciding with Ascension Day, the celebration will take place on May 7th instead of May 9th this year, which is the actual date of Europe Day. Europe Direct Stockholm will be part of the information square and will have an exhibition table alongside our colleagues [...]
Discover the Ankoku Performance Language with Tana Maneva!
We are thrilled to invite you to an engaging Digital Coffee Talk hosted by Intercult, within the Theatre in Palm project, to listen to the performance artist Tana Maneva presenting her method "Ankoku Performance Language", how it liberates and unleash creativity and stage freedom. Tana will share her experience in working with her Laboratory-team at Teater Giljotin. c Event Details: Date: May 14, 2024 Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (CET) Platform: Zoom Language: English c About the artist: Tana Maneva is a performance [...]
Theatre Movement – Nattiné with Daisies Varieté at Konträr
As a part of the project Theatre In Palm and in collaboration with Konträr, Intercult presents the third Theatre Movement of the spring 2024: Nattiné with Daisies Varieté during Kulturnatt Stockholm on the 20th of April. Daisies Varieté's Archive The Museum combines entertainment, engagement and the timeless allure of daisies. - You will have 'the time of your life'! Within Konträr’s new concept – Nattiné, we let an artwork that is described as challenging meet the audience in an intimate way. [...]
The upcoming EU Elections 2024: Your Essential Guide!
What do we know about the upcoming elections to the European Parliament? We from Europe Direct Stockholm have summarized the most important information. WHY SHOULD I VOTE? The European Parliament election is upon us and will take place between June 6th and 9th, 2024, in all EU member states. The election is a unique opportunity where EU citizens have the opportunity to choose which parliamentarians should be represented. However, despite the importance of the election, voter turnout is not as [...]
Open Call for local artists in Stockholm!
May to August 2024 Intercult, the lead partner of the European project Turning the Tide (TTT), invites local artists to apply for a digital residency in Stockholm. Would you like to be part of our cross-border initiative that addresses the climate crisis in waterfront cities through art? We welcome the artists who are committed to socially engaged art and are dedicated to social justice, environmental protection and coastal climate issues. The local residency will last for 3 months, allowing artists [...]
Annual Report 2023
Read our Annual Report for 2023 and see how we have developed and grown over the past year! IC 2023 Bera?ttelse
OPEN CALL – Theatre in Palm 2024 Residencies
Are you an emerging actor, dancer, director, mime artist, performance artist, set designer, light designer, mask designer, costume designer, sound designer, puppeteer, circus artist or dramaturge? Do you want to create new performing arts in an international environment? Apply for Theatre in Palm’s 2024 performing arts residency! About the project and the residencies: The Theatre in Palm partner countries will organize 12 local residencies for emerging artists in 2024! Each of the 12 partner countries will host five emerging artists [...]
Theatre Academy – A part of Stockholm Fringe festival 2024
Intercult is very proud to present the Theatre Academy in collaboration with the Stockholm Fringe Festival 2024 (#STOFF2024). Mark up your calendars for August 27th, 28th, and 29th! Theatre Academy is a 3-day long performing arts seminar open to all interested in international performing arts. Discover a unique lineup of workshops, discussions, theater labs, performances, and masterclasses led by experienced practitioners from all across Europe. Artists are invited to partake in a rich and skill-enhancing program while exploring additional facets [...]