I_improve is a project centered around informal learning, but what is informal learning? Our informal educator Avril Meehan helps us answer that question in a brand new piece of writing published on the I_improve website. She goes into explaining the subject, how to approach it and also a reading list for those who would like to know more.
If you are interested in this topic, we highly recommend you give it a read, just click here and we’ll take you directly to the article.
Here is a short extract:
At its heart, informal learning is an attitude and an approach to everyday life which supports spontaneous, lightbulb moments — those ‘aha!’ moments of insight and clarity when, for example, you figure out how to do something that previously seemed impossible. Or simply the glorious realisation that you do remember the name of the song stuck in your head all morning.
So what is this attitude and approach that can set us up to experience such Eureka! moments everyday?
Informal learning involves the creative re-imagining and enlargement of our everyday experience in order to see what has become routine and mundane with new eyes. It means cultivating a renewed sense of curiosity towards the day to day and diving into the possibility of ‘not-knowing’.
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