Bridging Digital project as “Good Practice” example!


The Bridging Digital project, funded by Erasmus+, has received recognition for its “Good Practice”! Led by Intercult in Sweden, with collaborative contributions from the Hellenic Adult Education Association in Greece, Instytut Kultury Miejskeij (IKM), and Fablevision in the UK, this initiative facilitated a dynamic interchange of knowledge among the creative, educational, and technical sectors. The [...]

Bridging Digital project as “Good Practice” example!2023-11-01T09:19:05+00:00

Results of our programme


Τen days of educational workshops between the fall of 2022 and the spring of 2023 in Stockholm, divided into five classes in total (2 days each). Watch our results here!

Results of our programme2023-08-27T20:38:44+00:00

Create Performing Arts with VR – Learning by doing! 


"Create Performing Arts with VR" the course that Intercult organizes in the spring of 2023, have now started with a two-day workshop at SITE - Production Center for Performing Arts with our artistic mentor Jonas Myrstrand!  The course's participants were introduced to the Virtual Reality technology under the guidance of Jonas Myrstrand (immersive filmmaker and [...]

Create Performing Arts with VR – Learning by doing! 2023-10-02T10:55:31+00:00

The possibilities and limitations with technology – with Ongoing Realities 


The "Create Performing Arts with VR" course Intercult is organizing during  the spring of 2023 had its second workshop with the dancers, choreographers and VR creators in the artist duo Ongoing Realities - Anna Näsström and Johan Bandholtz.   During these 2 days, the participants of the course have discussed possibilities and limitations for artistic projects [...]

The possibilities and limitations with technology – with Ongoing Realities 2023-10-02T10:54:47+00:00

Exploring how digital tools can be used to develop cultural and educational practices


During the spring, 4 organisations explored different ways to teach Digital tools to those working in the cultural sector and in informal education. It has been an enriching journey during which librarians in Poland have been taught how to produce podcasts to generate a higher interest in reading, where Swedish stage actors have been given [...]

Exploring how digital tools can be used to develop cultural and educational practices2023-10-02T11:00:10+00:00

Second transnational meeting in Gdansk


On 20-22 September 2022,  Bridging Digital team met at Gdansk to discuss the progress of each partner organisation and plan the future activities together. The second transnational meeting was hosted by our partner Instytut Kultury Miejskiej. During our travel to Poland, the Bridging Digital team visited the PAN Biblioteka Gda?ska, where we saw Jan Heweliusz [...]

Second transnational meeting in Gdansk2023-10-02T11:01:10+00:00

A new transcription of a valuable book at Gdansk


An interesting project has been implemented in Medialab Gda?sk, which operates in City Culture Institute of Gda?sk  (one of the Bridging Digital Partners). A group of experts, philologists, translators and historians jointly prepared a transcription of the first volume of journals from the journeys of Christian Fischer and Nathaneal Jakub Gerlach from 1727 - over [...]

A new transcription of a valuable book at Gdansk2023-10-02T11:01:45+00:00

VR workshop at at Gothenburg Studios


Actors within the free performing arts can gain access to and learn to use Virtual Reality in their productions! Last week, Intercult organized a workshop in Gothenburg at Gothenburg Studios with our artistic director, film curator and immersive producer Jonas Myrstrand. During two days, 3 participants from a theater group got to explore and learn [...]

VR workshop at at Gothenburg Studios2023-10-02T11:02:35+00:00

Augmented reality workshops – Renfrewshire Witch Hunt 1697


Fablevision, Trent Kim and students of University of the West of Scotland worked together on the Erasmus+ project, Bridging Digital, to produce augmented reality video content to tell the story of the Renfrewshire Witch Hunt in 1697. Here are the five steps of their work. Stop 1 Bargarran House   Stop 2 [...]

Augmented reality workshops – Renfrewshire Witch Hunt 16972023-10-02T11:04:01+00:00

Case study video – Renfrewshire Witch Hunt 1697


Bridging Digital was between the 17th century and the 21st century through new media arts. The second case study, Renfrewshire Witch Hunt 1697  tells the story of the falsely accused Renfrewshire witches, through the use of interactive app technology. On June 10th 2022, Renfrewshire Witch Hunt 1697, working with StudioFV and UWS Creative hosted their [...]

Case study video – Renfrewshire Witch Hunt 16972023-10-02T11:04:40+00:00
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