-Artists Influence-Support the co-creation, circulation and promotion of sustainability and climate change in Europe (2023-2025)
Intercult, an independent Swedish NGO, is leading the project E-ART – on sustainability in art within the framework of Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships.
Our aim is to support the professional and personal development of artists, to help them become more sustainable and acquire new skills, give them the opportunity to expand their audiences and become “Green Mind” role models through the creations that will develop under the E-ART project.
Our goals are:
-To highlight the need for more sustainable materials to be used in the context of art.
-T? raise awareness in both the art sector and public sector about the importance of social and climate sustainability and protection.
-To upskill and reskill professionals in art, to acquire new knowledge, to learn new and more innovative and sustainable techniques.
We aim to achieve this through:
-Development of a curriculum of innovative sustainable art practices.
-Art Labs and E-residencies.
-Raising awareness campaigns.
-Local exhibitions in each partner country.
-Online exhibitions.
-Development of an online platform, material library, and repository which will give a free space to all sustainable artists and sustainable pieces of art to be hosted.
About us:
Intercult (https://old.intercult.se/) is the applicant organisation and project coordinator of E-ART, and collaborates with the following partner organisations:
- Italy – Consorzio Materahub Industrie Culturali e Creative Scarl. https://www.materahub.com/
- Spain – ESPRONCEDA Lemon Grass Communication Spain SL. https://www.espronceda.net/kwlogos/lemongrass-communications/
- Greece – Institute of Support and Studies on Entrepreneurship, Social Development Greece and Cohesion CUBE Non-profit organisation. https://www.cube.org.gr/en/
- Bulgaria – OCEON Group Bulgaria.
- Ireland – I and F Education and Development Limited. https://instructionandformation.ie/