During the 7th and 8th course session of Intercult’s course “Create performing arts with VR“, the course’s artistic director Jonas Myrstrand had a follow-up with the participants about handling the 360 ??camera and editing. Participants discussed their project ideas and the videos created so far with the 360 ??camera. The participants have had various opportunities to test the equipment in different environments, from filming with a Gopro camera to the theater stage, where they discovered that 360 filming during rehearsals is an advantage as you can document the movements and expressions of the characters from all angles. Exciting questions have emerged when they experimented with the technology, such as

“Can you live without the tactile world and replace it with a visual and audiovisual experience?”
“Where is the limit for personal privacy in VR?”

The participants also got to meet the VR artist and choreographer Robin Jonsson. Robin talked about his journey from dancer and filmmaker to trying and developing new techniques which then led to creation within VR. Among other things, Robin has developed a work with a robot that he programs and performs together with. Robin Jonsson started with VR during the pandemic, when a need arose to tour his works that were “pandemic-safe”.

How can you connect and share an experience without being in the same physical room?

Questions around the theme were, how can you manage network security and audience reactions without being present in the room? The participants also got to try interacting as avatars in an animated environment, where a dancer had pre-recorded herself in a motion capture suit and was also present live during the experience. It was a transformative experience where everyone danced and moved freely in a virtual environment!

Thank you Jonas Myrstrand and Robin Jonsson for 2 very inspiring days!



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